New Yorkers Encouraged to Get Busy with Free Condoms

The city wants New Yorkers to “get some” this Valentine’s Day. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene unveiled its 2008 safer sex awareness campaign with new posters, banners, and TV ads featuring a colorful and sexy message. The city also unveiled a new look for the wrapper of its free condom.

The slogan is — wait for it — “Get Some.”

Street teams from the health department will meet commuters around the city Thursday to hand out the new NYC Condom for Valentine’s Day, officials said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch

5 comments on “New Yorkers Encouraged to Get Busy with Free Condoms

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    Valentine lost his head for this?

    We’ve come full circle and are back to worshiping the goddess Juno Februata.

  2. evan miller says:

    This is just sick.

  3. drummie says:

    Just what a city needs to do, advertise promiscuity. Maybe they do not have enough single moms etc. on welfare. Of course this fits right in with having the clowns at Trinity Wall Street. Both are reprehensable.

  4. selah says:

    William P. Sulik,

    A very insightful comment from you. Thanks.

    Really, what is the right way to commemorate the martyrdom of St. Valentine, a man who believed so fully in marriage that he gave his life to perpetuate it?

    Somehow, I think that a card with a heart and a chubby cherub doesn’t cut it.

  5. Harvey says:

    Be warned New York. You could be sujected to the same thing that happened to Pompei. Nuff said!!